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Artist Statement

My art is a celebration through portraiture of unforgettable, strong personalities from the world of music, film and TV series .
These might be from different eras and might differ in style, yet they share what I like to call "The Cool Factor".
Be for their edgy looks, controversial essence or undeniable charisma, the celebrities I portray have distinguished themselves above their peers.
I always felt naturally drawn and inspired by people, who like me, are unafraid of being different, recognize themselves as pioneers of new styles or trends.
Before illustrating their features, I like to tune in into their energy either by watching their films or listening to their music, so that I get fully immersed into their world. They become me and I become them and only then I feel ready to recreate their image onto the paper.
Being familiar with their work and often with their personal life, I like to think I can see the sadness behind their smile, their real emotions showing in their eyes or in the lines appearing on their skin. My emotional connection with these celebrities become physical when I sit down to draw their features. It's a deeper level of connection revealed to me by every curve, mark and angle sculped on their face.
My favourite medium for my portraits is graphite enhanced by charcoal, as it lets me easily achieve realistic results. My black and white work is what I see people love the most, especially when embellished with gold paint details.
Furthermore, I do portraits in watercolour and coloured pencils, often mixing the two together as well as graphite and watercolour, an usual combination which I find quite exciting.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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